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mandliyarajendra11's github profile

calculator is a basic calculation app for arithmetic operation

Web Resources Hub

jayk-gupta's github profile

It serves as a comprehensive collection of frontend web resources, the project aims to provide developers with a centralized platform to access a wide range of frontend tools and resources, making their development process more efficient and productive.


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows


Sahilll15's github profile

VideoVerse is a user-friendly video chat application built using ReactJS and ZegoCloud. With VideoVerse, users can easily initiate video calls, making real-time communication a breeze.


SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It is a Recruiting website for the Students and the working professionals.


karthiknadar1204's github profile

CryptoWatchr is an innovative crypto project that provides users with a comprehensive platform to access and explore various cryptocurrency exchanges from around the world. Leveraging the power of the CoinGecko API users can seamlessly connect to different exchanges access real-time data and make informed decisions about their crypto investments.


Nishitbaria's github profile

Contentify is a versatile content creation, social media management, and educational resources platform. It provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to excel in content creation, streamline social media management, and access valuable educational resources.

Drag and Drop

Deepanshu0703's github profile

This is a drag and drop app made using html,css and javascript. You can drag and drop the boxes to change their position.

Portfolio Website

ChiragAgg5k's github profile

A single page portfolio website with a minimalistic design and emphasis on animations.


raghav1482's github profile

It is a reactjs based text managing app which provide various function to process upon a text , like text copy , remove extra spaces , convert ot binnary etc.